Campaign Creation

Name of the campaign

A campaign name is only visible to you on the dashboard, it won’t appear in your ad and will not be visible to visitors. So choose a name that you can easily identify and refer back to later. For example, you can name your campaign based on the type of products you'll be advertising.

Daily Budget

Daily Budget is the amount you’ll be spending daily (on average) on your campaign. It is important to note that this amount may not necessarily be spent daily. Daily spend can exceed or recede this value on the basis of selected products, marketplace dynamics and competition.

On the rare occasion that your spend exceeds your daily budget, the overspend is limited to a maximum of 5% of your daily budget.

Example: Say you have a daily budget of $100, then your spend can only accumulate to a maximum of $105 before campaigns are automatically stopped for that day.

We recommend you set your daily budget as suggested by the system (see 30 days estimated performance). This suggested budget is computed on the basis of various factors like products to be promoted, market competition, daily traffic on the marketplace, and other factors which can impact your campaign performance. Setting up your daily budget too low will result in under achieving your targets while setting up your daily budget too high will make your ROI low. Hence, it is important to set your daily budget wisely.

Changing the daily budget

You can change your daily budget at any time and the consequent campaign adjustments will take effect within 5 hrs. If you change your budget multiple times a day, your maximum campaign spend will be the highest budget in effect for that day. If you reduce your daily budget and your campaign spend is less than your new budget, the new budget will be enforced for that day. If you reduce your daily budget and you’ve already exceeded the new budget, your spending will be capped, and the new budget will take effect the next day. For example, if you change your daily budget from $100 to $50 at noon, but your campaign has already spent $80 that day, then you will be charged $80. If you make no further changes, then from the next day, your daily budget will be $50.

30 - Day Estimate

This is an AI powered feature which gives you 30 day estimated for metrics like Spend, Impressions, Page Views, Orders, Revenue, and ROI on the basis of your current daily budget & current campaign settings.

It shows you the ideal potential your products have, to spend the budget and to achieve the impressions, orders, revenue, and the highest ROI which you can achieve with the suggested daily budget.

It also shows you the current values which you can achieve with the daily budget you have set, in case you have set it as something other than the AI generated suggested ideal daily budget.

Note: These figures are only estimates for the next 30 days, and may change based on market competition, traffic, and other market dynamics.

Est Spend: Estimated spend value in the next 30 days on the basis of your daily budget and the dynamics of the marketplace & competition.

Est Impressions: Estimated number of impressions your products can get in the next 30 days on the basis of your daily budget and the dynamics of the marketplace & competition.

Est Page Views: Estimated number of page views your products can get in the next 30 days on the basis of your daily budget and the dynamics of the marketplace & competition.

Est Orders: Estimated number of orders your products can get in the next 30 days on the basis of your daily budget, selected products and the dynamics of the marketplace & competition.

Est Revenue: Estimated sales you can generate in the next 30 days on the basis of your daily budget, selected products and the dynamics of the marketplace & competition.

Est ROI: Estimated ROI you can achieve for the next 30 days on the basis of your daily budget, selected products and the dynamics of the marketplace & competition.

Product Selection

Add the products which you want to promote in the campaign. You can start with your top selling products with good sales. You can also promote a bunch of products which come under the same category.

Smart Mode

This task is made easier with an AI powered Smart Mode. The AI optimized algorithm works for you and smartly selects products for your campaign. It also provides 24/7 monitoring over which product is performing well and has the ability to stop serving ads of a certain product if its ads are not doing well. Smart mode is recommended to ensure optimum returns.

Manual Mode

In manual mode you have the liberty to select products on your own, but it comes with additional work of monitoring your products and designing strategies. This mode can work well if you have clarity about your campaign and the products you want to promote.

Selecting a Product

While selecting a product either can directly choose a product or select it using filters.

Choose a Product

In case you have a large number of products, you can upload products in bulk by uploading a file with the list of products in it.

If the number of products isn’t high then you can also choose products individually, this won’t require any file upload.

Select using filters

Select products by applying filters like Product Name, Product category, Brand, Price or Sale Price. If you have set apply a filter for a campaign, any products in the product catalog that match the filtering criteria will be added for that campaign.

For example: If you have set a filter for Product Brand = Apple All the products in the catalog with brands as Apple will be added as a part for this campaign. Also whenever new products are added in the catalog, products with brands as Apple will be added as a part of this campaign.

Similarly you can set up different filters on the basis of product’s category, price range, etc.

Bid Setting

Set category level CPCs for each campaign. Here you can choose how much you want to pay for clicks on your ads on the basis of the category your product falls in. An ideal bid is something you should match your bid with to increase your chances of winning the auction.

Smart Bidding

It is an AI curated feature which places best bids on behalf of the merchant. It computes the best suited bid for your campaign. Along with it the system also updates the bids depending on the changing market scenario and competition.

Manual Bidding

In Manual bidding you are in control of your bid and have to manually set your bid. Your bid will remain constant and can only be manually altered by you, which means it cannot automatically account for changes in ad costs.

Last updated